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Download 2015-19 Annual and Capital Plans

What Is the PHA Plan?

The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to public housing agency (PHA) policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs and goals. There are two parts to the PHA Plan: the 5-Year Plan, which each PHA reviews and updates once every 5th PHA fiscal year, and the Annual Plan, which is prepared by the PHA every year. PHAs submit to HUD a PHA Plan Template, which includes specific plan elements but also information on where certain plan elements that are not required to be reviewed by HUD can be obtained locally. PHAs use the same PHA Plan Template for the 5-Year and Annual Plan. The entire PHA Plan (including all elements, not just those submitted to HUD) must be made available locally, typically at the main office of the PHA or on the PHA website.